Preparing Your Garage Door for Seasonal Changes

Winter is behind us and summer is in full swing. Seasonal changes can interfere with the mechanism and inner workings of garage doors. Metal parts are highly susceptible to extreme temperature and have the tendency to break which in turn ca...


Simple Maintenance Tips for Your Garage Doors

Your garage doors play a major role in keeping your car and home safe and secure. Due to exposure to extreme outdoor conditions, it is inevitable that a garage door repair will be necessary at any given time. However, you may prolong the sm...


Why Hire Experts for Garage Door Repairs?

Garage doors may be simple to look at but are made of complex parts. From springs and rollers up to the sensors and chains, each part plays a significant role in making your garage doors run smooth and quiet. Since garage doors are made of ...


Choosing the Right Garage Door for Your Home

Choosing your garage door is no longer considered something secondary. There are quite a few factors to consider, the primary of which include basic material, price and style. Garage doors come in different types and are priced accordingly ...


Get started today

Is it time to replace an old garage door? Or does it just need some maintenance and repair? Call us TODAY and have one of our Garage Door Specialists provide you with a no obligation, FREE new garage door estimate!

Contact Us

K.C. Showroom & Corporate HQ

3530 N Kimball Dr.
Kansas City, MO 64161

St. Louis Showroom

402 Saint Louis Ave.
Valley Park, MO 63088

Springfield Showroom

3252 N Glenstone Ave # B-100
Springfield, MO 65803

Central Missouri Showroom

3397 Old Route 5
Camdenton, MO 65020