Designed Exclusively for the Commercial and Industrial Sectional Overhead Door Market.

Delden Garage Doors has been known and respected for its standard of excellence since 1964. Careful attention to detail, the highest quality construction, and unique features are built into each and every Delden door. Regardless of model or style, you can be confident that the Delden door you choose is the finest available and will provide the utmost in security, beauty and value.

  • 2″ Thick CFC Free Polyurethane Insulation
  • Tongue and Groove Section Joints
  • 2″ Angle Mount Track as Standard
  • Heavy Duty Hinges and Rollers
  • 10-year Delamination and Paint Warranty
  • 1 year Hardware Warranty
Steel Thickness27/27 ga.20/27 ga.27/27 ga.
R – Value [1]19.419.414.5
U – Factor0.190.190.21
Maximum Standard Width32’ 2″32’ 2″18’ 2″
Section Height21″ & 24″21″ & 24″21″ & 24″
Door ThicknessHeavy-Duty 2″Extra Heavy-Duty 2″Medium-Duty 1-3/8″
Interior Hinge Reinforcement20 ga Backer Plate (Optional 20 ga Continuous Strip)20 ga Continuous Strip20 ga Backer Plate
Maximum Standard Height20’ 1″20’ 1″14’ 1″
Wind Load [2] Available – Maximum Width16’ 2″16’ 2″16’ 2″
Exterior ColorTrue White, Sandtone, Gray, Brown, BlackTrue WhiteTrue White, Sandtone, Gray, Brown
Exterior EmbossmentStucco with Pencil GrooveStucco FlushStucco Flush
Custom widths and heights available (restrictions may apply).
Insulation has passed self-ignition, flamespread and smoke developed index fire testing.
[1] DTC-1350 calculated door section R-value is in accordance with DASMA TDS-163. DTC-2500 and DTC-2520 R-value tested and verified in accordance to ASTM 518 by an independent lab.
[2] It is your responsibility to make sure your garage door meets local building codes.


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